This free service is to give you an introduction to the business name creation services.
Free Business Name Analysis

Please provide the exact name of your business as it appears on the registration documents or on your bank account. If the company is incorporated, include the incorporation ending exactly as it appears. Example: "Incorporated" or "Inc.", "Limited" or "Ltd."
The analysis is given for a business name using the English alphabet. If your business name is based on a language other than English please include the alphabet and identify the letters used as vowels.
If the company is very large, it may not be registered under the name by which it is known. In this case the analysis will be only partially accurate.
This service analyses an existing or potential business name. It does not offer suggestions. Please do not submit words such as Technology, Construction, Import/Export. etc., as they cannot be used in any country as the name of a business.
This service is becoming increasingly busy. The response time is one week. We regret that only one of your requests can be answered each time. For additional choices or a faster reply see "Do You Need More Than One Name Analyzed?"
SPECIAL NOTICE: If you do not receive your analysis, check your spam or junk email folders to ensure you will receive your business name analysis.
Click here to submit a business name for a free analysis. You will be directed to our sister site of